The 5x5 Room RPG Podcast
The 5x5 Room RPG Podcast
Podcasting since 2022 • 36 episodes
The 5x5 Room RPG Podcast
Latest Episodes
Party Composition
Even with a diverse group of characters at the table it can be difficult to have an answer for all the options a game may present. Which member of the party is the front-person making deals and talking the party out of sticky situations?&nbs...
Season 2
Episode 36

Player's Handbook Playtest 6
Player’s Handbook Playtest 6 recently released and with its arrival comes a large list of changes for many classes as well as the reintroduction of the monk with its more inclusive updates.Additionally, Wizards of the Coast has...
Season 2
Episode 35

Prepping without a Plan
A good tip for both life and for running your game is to “expect the unexpected”. So what happens if in spite of your best efforts, it's the day you and your players are meeting up to play, but you’ve got nothing prepared? Don’t ...
Season 2
Episode 34